Things have been so hectic this summer! Getting work done, keeping the house going the way I like it, football practice for large, and now we have been having thunderstorms that are CRAZY!!! Monday, it actually thundered and lightninged for 6 straight hours! Then, the power went out at 6pm and didn't come back on until the next morning!! So, nothing could get done in the dark.
Yesterday, I go back to getting everything caught up from the day before and start to get the packing together. And the power goes off AGAIN! Until this morning, so here I am trying to get my house clean (I never go away with a dirty house. Coming home from vacation is sad, and coming home to a dirty house is depressing!) and 4 people packed today! Luckily, I got to clean most of my house during the day but the washer and dryer went off with the power so I am behind on that, which is messing up my packing. GRRRRRRR!!
Luckily I am going tomorrow morning, and I will be back next week.
Before I go, I want to say thank you to Eliza who won my giveaway a few weeks ago. She sent me a beautiful card and ATC. Thank you so much darlin'! You didn't have to do that!!
I hope everyone has a wonderful week, and for the people having this awful weather, be safe!!