Happy Pink Saturday everyone!!
As always, please visit our most awesome hostess Beverly and give her some lovely comments!
So here is some fun news!! Cindy Adkins has written another book! It is called "Do You Need a Hug From Heaven". It is a compilation of inspirational stories from people who have had something happen that there is no logical explanation for. It had to be an angel! What else could it be???
I happen to have a story like that, and after I told Cindy, she put it in her book!!
I had a very serious accident with my children in the car and somehow, we were saved. It really was a miracle. It had to be!!!
But, I can't tell you the whole story!! You have to get the book to see the rest!!!
It is available through Amazon. It is an E-Book, so you need a reader, or you can just download it right to your computer!! It is easy peasy!!
I hope you have an awesome weekend!!