Just beautiful. Flowers are blooming, the weather is warmer, NOT!
Yes friends, that is snow. I'm curious, do I live in the land of bizarro? Where the exact polar opposite happens? It was in the 60's last week!
This show is so heavy, that the branches on my pine trees are falling down! ugh.
Due to inclimate weather, (and my boys being home from school today because of this snow) Art Journal Wednesday has been pushed to Thursday. See ya then!!
Oh boy, I'm ready for Spring too. Hoping it comes soon for real! It is so fun visiting all these great blogs! Thank you so much for visiting my newbie blog via Debbiedoos. I look forward to keeping in touch! Take care, Sherry@TheCheerfulNest
ReplyDeleteHere too! and baby is driving crazy inside because she wants to go outside even after I told that: "I am from the island and I don't go hangout in the cold". I am sooo looking forward to spending all day outside in the warm sun :) Hope you are having a great day with the boys!
ReplyDeleteCRAZY girl, just crazy!
ReplyDeleteOh, Daniella...bless your heart! Global warming is h&!!, isn't it!!! Spring is coming, for sure! I can't get over your pine trees. By the way, I have had trouble with your blog loading lately except for today (I almost emailed you, but I didn't).
Ricki Jill
EEEEWWWWEE. I know misery loves company, but you did not have to share those pics!!!! we've had storms this morning turning upper 70's to 50's with tornado watches til 9p....
ReplyDeleteyippee. By the weekend lows at night into the 20's. I am soooo done with winter cold! Guess March is tryin to go out like a lion 8P
The snow is BEAUTIFUL but it is SPRING!! I am so ready for birds chirping and flowers blooming with no snow!! :)