And I am on the team!! I am so excited to create with the amazing products they have!! I have been telling everyone about "Splash Ink" for a long time now, but there is so much more!! Their website is Please check them out!!
And the announcement is on their Blog right now!! The rest of the team is:
Lea Cioci
Jenny Cochran Lee
Tuki Fujisaki
Diana Gonzalez
Daniella Hayes
Marie Z. Johansen
Quinn Mc Donald
Tessa McSorley
Swarup Murthy
Rebecca Price
Terri Sproul
So many talented artists! I am honored to be working with them!! We officially start next month and we will be contributing projects on the blog using Yasutomo products. I hope you will join me there!! I am so excited for this opportunity!!
Have an awesome day!!! I know I will!!
Huge Congratulations Dear. You are on quite a creative journey. I am off to visit Yasutomo. Happy Creative Hearts...